Though the trials and tribulations brought about by family gatherings aren’t always predictable, having practices in place to regulate our own emotions can be the difference between making and breaking (down) this holiday season. Check out these four tips for managing anxiety this holiday season:

Avoid spiraling down a slippery slope this holiday season by asking yourself rational questions regarding your worry. Ask yourself, “Is it true?” or, “Is it in my control?” By identifying aspects of your worry that you can control, you’re able to rationalize and gain perspective quickly and effectively.
Contrary to popular belief, alcohol and substance consumption do not make uncomfortable situations more comforting. Though you don’t necessarily need to throw out all of the expensive wine this season, it is important to practice mindfulness in regards to when, where, and how frequently you are drinking. This is a great time to evaluate your relationship with alcohol.
Identifying your anxiety triggers ahead of time allows you to effectively anticipate and prepare for any expected (or unexpected) conflict or confrontation. Which de-escalation strategies work best for you? Pick 2-3 strategies that help to keep you regulated to put in your "back pocket", just in case. If you are celebrating the holidays with a partner, communicate your strategies with them so they know how to support you, if needed.
Rest is one of the most crucial aspects of anxiety management. When you prioritize both your sleep and sleep schedule, you allow your body the rest and relaxation it needs to manage stress, anxiety, anger, as well as any other possible emotion that may arise this time of year. Saying "no" to over-scheduling activities and events this time of year can help to prioritize rest and adequate sleep. Your brain and body will appreciate it!
If you are in need of guidance and support this season, The Vine Wellness Group is here to help! We have a variety of counselors that specialize in different areas in order to find the best fit for you.
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