This February, The Vine Wellness Group wants to celebrate those who are observing (or not observing!) Valentine’s Day solo. We wanted to spend a moment to share a few helpful tips to identify healthy “green flags” in a potential partner, because no holiday is worth spending time with the WRONG partner...
Green Flag #1: They’re Consistent
Whether its to do with communication, activities you had planned, or overall attitude: consistency is key. If a potential partner is consistent, you are more likely to trust and accept their thoughts and words. Lack of consistency from a significant other is often stressful and unpredictable at times, especially for those with anxious attachment relationship styles.
Green Flag #2: They Have Good Relationships with Family and Friends
More often than not, the quality of a person’s relationships with their family and friends can be quite reflective of the kind of partner they could be. The active fostering of communicative, healthy relationships in a S.O.’s life is certainly a major “green flag!”
Green Flag #3: They Practice Active Listening
Having a partner who seeks to understand alternative points of view – especially yours – is undeniably crucial when considering a serious relationship. Though an individual that practices active listening may not always agree with you, they will often attempt to identify and appreciate another person’s thoughts and feelings on a given subject. Active listeners undeniably earn The Vine’s “green flag” approval!
Green Flag #4: They Share Their Thoughts with You
Sharing our feelings is awkward. While interpersonal communication can come more naturally to some, a person’s emotional openness can be a key indicator in identifying a potential partner. Any partner willing to verbalize their thoughts and be vulnerable is fantastic evidence of a reliable significant other.
Green Flag #5: They Respect Your Boundaries
Before considering someone you’re interested in for a long term relationship, consider their response after establishing your personal boundaries. Individuals that have a healthy understanding and appreciation for their partner’s boundaries earn our stamp of approval –undoubtedly a “green flag” indeed!
Want to read more about identifying and fostering a healthy relationship? Also read January 2023 blog post on "Attached: The Book".